
this website
- used React, Next.js, Framer Motion, three.js, react-three-fiber
- hosted on vercel, code on github

avalon website
- used React with Firebase to manage state for all players
- hosted on firebase, code on github

cs:go neural network cheat
- used C# with yolov3, trained on images of cs go models in source model viewer
- could detect enemies and teammates, and automatically highlight and aim at them
- very fast, over 100fps, detecting on 200x200 area around the middle of the screen (crosshair)

cs:go external cheat
- used Kotlin with Jire's old Arrowhead library to read game data
- smooth, humanized aimbot run through mouse movement calculations instead of writing to game memory, avoiding detection

cs:go internal cheat
- used C++ to hook onto in-game methods to introduce custom behavior
- many features including model recoloring (chameleon/chams), skin and knife changer, aimbot, wallhack, etc